Wednesday, December 12, 2012


There seems to be a whole lot of controversy and conflict out there these days, and the debate usually turns to the issue of suicidal LGBTQ youth.  Here's our perspective (for what it's worth).......

Our wish is that all of us FOLKS (Friends  Of  LGBTQ  Kids who are Suicidal)-(*I just made that up J*) can come together, with more open minds, in an joint effort to help save lives in any and all ways possible.  This means that all of us FOLKS may not agree on exactly what is “helping”, and what is not “helping”, but, we will concede to at least consider all FOLKS ideas, and admit that none of us have all the answers.
We feel a strong need to express a few thoughts that are possibly different than the “average” Gay Rights Advocate’s  ideas and beliefs, but we hope and pray that all FOLKS (Friends  Of  LGBTQ  Kids who are Suicidal) will open their minds to a possible PARADIGM SHIFT; a different way of thinking and attitude by ALL gay rights activists and advocates, that might make a world of difference for some (or even many), of our desperate, struggling, and suicidal youth.
I have heard and read many comments representing that the ONLY OPTION for an individual who is “struggling” with their sexual desires, identity, and/or attractions, is to ....
#1. Come out to the world, 
#2. Pursue and embrace relationship(s) with same sex partner(s),   and
#3. Turn away from their core religious beliefs, if those beliefs do not completely support #1 & #2. 
We are not genius's, but we know, and think that it’s common sense, that anyone who is depressed, feels lost, confused, hopeless, and/or suicidal,… that the best thing in the world for them is to....
FIRST – know that they are loved and of value, and
NEXT – to believe that they have OPTIONS,  (The more Options the better), And especially that they are FREE to choose their life’s course and BE WHO THEY WANT TO BE.
We know that in some cases, a person’s suicidal thoughts and feelings of hopelessness can be caused by the pressures they feel from others.  Pressures from those “voices” in their personal lives, and also, all those voices coming from the media and world around them.
We acknowledge whole heartily that although LGBTQ individuals were not free to choose their sexual attractions & desires, but they DO have an abundance of options (just as anyone does) of just exactly how THEY CHOOSE to manage, mold, and live their lives.  To us, THIS is what all of us FOLKS need to be telling these kids.  We need to reassure them that they are loved NO MATTER WHAT path they create for themselves and their lives, and encourage them to search in their hearts and not let ANYONE get in their way.  (This means parents, friends, church, including “gay pride” (for lack of a better word) pressures, the media, etc.)  
It seems to us that if a young guy or gal is depressed, confused, hopeless, and suicidal – then pressure from anyone or anywhere is not good.  And possibly, in some cases, the pressures from the “Gay Pride – ONLY ONE OPTION” attitude is more damaging than helping.  
A suicidal person does not need any more pressure, they need to feel free to be able to take control of their lives and decide how to live their lives.  They need lots of options and lots of love.   There seems to be just as much “passion”, “anger”, and “intolerance” on the part of those preaching “OUT & EMBRACE” as those preaching that homosexuality is a sin, and possibly sometimes more.   We believe that all this “debate” in the midst of young people killing themselves is absolutely and completely counter- productive.  
We have been reading and hearing a lot of highly emotionally charged debates over the idea of pursuing/living in a Mixed Orientation Relationship (MOR).  Many (usually those who have no personal experience with a MOR themselves) seem to be convinced that a Mixed Orientation Relationship is LESS real, LESS satisfying, LESS acceptable, LESS fulfilling, LESS desirable, and LESS likely to last, than a Same Sex Relationship.  
We submit that, if we are honest and open minded (which is what most of us usually demand from the world), we will have to acknowledge and accept the fact that there are actually individuals out there in society who know for themselves and insist that their Mixed Orientation Relationship is NOT LESS – for them…… IT’S MOR(E).  For them, for whatever reason, their decision to pursue/live in a MOR is what works best for them, and it is MORE comfortable, MORE complete, and MORE in tune with their core personal beliefs.  They feel MORE content, MORE happy, and MORE at peace with their individual lifestyle choices.  They are insisting that their lifestyle IS living their “authentic” self.   How can anyone of us FOLKS argue with that?

 Intellectually, we have to concede that this is a valid choice for some, it clearly works for some, and therefore, there must be “some” struggling individuals who will identify with this reality in a positive way and find it hopeful and helpful to them as they build their lives and pursue their dreams.  THIS “OPTION”, or the knowledge that there are others whose lives mirror their life, could literally SAVE SOME LIVES;  lives that would be ultimately pushed to the breaking  point of hopelessness and suicide if they believed that the ONLY OPTION that they were seeing and hearing about didn’t fit with “their” life, or “their” goals for “their” future.
Certainly these individuals desiring something different for themselves, and those currently living in MORs, are entitled to their life choices just as much as any LGBTQ individuals are entitled to theirs.  And, they have just as much right to share their experiences, beliefs, feelings, and success with the world as anyone does.  We feel a movement building, and although many who live happily in MORs are silent,  many of us want to be heard, we believe we have something to offer, and we are not going away.  Maybe someday we’ll have our own “parade” - will any of you join us? – will you be marching with us?
We feel so strongly that the Weed’s story, or our story, or anyone’s story, for that matter, should not be held up, by someone else, to anyone else, to try to influence another individual to follow “their” lead…..But,  we truly believe that ALL SUCCESS STORIES, from either “side”, if you will,  completely and absolutely deserves to be told for the use of any individual who see’s the story as an option for them and wishes to use these stories for their personal life if they choose to do so.    Notice, we said, “for the individual’s use – their choice, their decision”.  No one has the right to judge the Weed’s, or us, (and others in Mixed Orientation Relationships) as something bad, wrong, or that should not be shared, and especially, no one can fairly blame Christians for causing despair in Christian LGBTQ youth, any more than the pressures imposed on them by the “gay pride” community to come out, embrace the lifestyle, and turn away from their core beliefs.
LGBTQ youth (and adults for that matter) have a real and complex struggle; hopefully, society is learning and improving to lessen their heartaches and hardships, questions and concerns.  And maybe there will come a day when it is not so difficult (we hope & pray), but until then, the fact remains that no one has all the answers, and the pressures from all walks of society (including the “anti-religion” society) are not helping.   IF, anyone had all the answers, there would be far less suicides, and if the last 20+ years of the Gay Rights Movement and media blitz (which we personally support and recognize the awareness that has come from it) hasn’t stopped the confusion and heartache, then maybe we all need to take a chill pill, breath, and admit that we don’t have all the answers.  Maybe, just maybe, there is a select group of gay/lesbian individuals who are just not “cut out” for the one size fits all answers offered up until recently. 
Maybe, if in some cases, religion is creating a “hang-up”, then we need to acknowledge that “religion” is huge and has been around since the beginning of time basically, and probably won’t be “stamped out” in our lifetime, so…. 
Possibly, religious FOLKS might be better equipped to help some religious individuals, as the truth may be that the “out & embrace” options and opinions are just not the answer for them, while the “religious” options are exactly what they want and need to find THEIR peace and contentment.
Maybe, just maybe, God has had a hand in ALL the gay awareness that has happened through the years, and maybe….God is currently stretching forth His almighty hand to further reach out to those who believe that living a gay lifestyle is not for them.  We believe that GOD IS REACHING OUT – through the new website by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, through Josh & Lolly Weed, our life and story, (and others like us who are telling their stories), and through the very FACT that many gay individuals ARE living happy, fulfilled, and productive lives within the teachings of the gospel that they love and believe in to their core.

We know and testify that it is through God and his infinite love and almighty power that we have managed to define our lives and our marriage into the amazing a wonderful blessing that it is today.  And, we ARE an example of another option  – for some….that’s a GOOD thing, and for some….it IS helping.
We hope and pray that everyone who feels passionate about this issue will know and realize that we are ALL FOLKS  (Friends  Of  LGBTQ  Kids who are Suicidal), and, that we ALL have something to offer, and that ALL of our feelings, opinions, and beliefs should be respected, and, together….. we can put a stop to the debate, the hate, the suicides, and the pain; -and start trying to understand the real hearts and souls, feelings and beliefs of those who are struggling.  Understanding ALL individuals’ feelings and beliefs is the key to helping, pushing OUR feelings and beliefs on them IS NOT.  And especially anyone assuming they have the one and only answer is narrow minded and WRONG.
Please people, let’s accept the truth that there are definitely those who are so extremely strong in their religious beliefs (for whatever reason – let’s don’t get into that – cause it is what it is), that they personally feel and know for themselves, that a same sex relationship lifestyle is not for them, even though they are obviously attracted to their same sex.  Please, let’s do what we can to empower these individuals to figure things out for themselves.  BACK OFF!.  The only advice we should be giving them is to remind them that they are loved, they have options, and encourage them to take control of their lives and release “our” efforts to control their lives, – (even if their choices and decisions, which possibly make them happy, don’t make us happy).    
It seems like everyone could benefit from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints new website’s message of acceptance, tolerance, and love.   LGBTQ youth need LESS PRESSURE, not only from the “religious” community, but also from the “out & embrace” community as well.   When you really think about it, it’s clear – us “FOLKSARE truly in this together, we ALL have the same ultimate goal, to help and even save suicidal LGBTQ youth.   The overall message of the new church website works both ways, and it is ultimately a message that all FOLKS should show kindness, acceptance, and love to anyone and everyone who is gay.


  1. More options and choices for the struggles you've been dealt is a good thing. More love and understanding as well. This post is passionately written and it becomes that much more meaningful that way. It is a compelling voice that has been added to the debate. Thank you for sharing it.

    1. Thank you for such kind words Liesel. We, (society as a whole) are truly in the midst of some wonderful changes of more understanding and love. I feel it :)

  2. Speaking as an open-minded lesbian - I do not think there should be limited options for anyone! I also feel like family and friends need to love and support their loved ones (as long as their decisions will not be harmful to themselves or others).

    Let's pretend, shall we?

    Let's pretend religion is non existent. Do you think gays would still struggle?
    Let's pretend religions accept and support all lifestyles (poly, mor, same sex, opposite sex). Do you think anyone would still struggle?

    While I agree with 99.9% of what you are saying, I would like to highlight a few things.

    I don't believe a gay person has ever killed themselves over the pressure of ONLY living the day lifestyle, over being pressured by "gay rights" people to live gay. I've never heard of a suicide note saying "I couldn't handle my gay friends telling me the gay way is the only way, so I'm checkin' out" Not saying it hasn't happened but I've personally (being in the life for 20+ years) never heard of it.

    My personal belief is people should choose who they want to be with because they want to be with them. Not because they are struggling to live up to any sort of ideal (anyone else's ideal). I have had the unique experience of not being influenced by anyone's interpretation of what God wants. My life decisions have been based on what is best for me, what I want, who I love, how I want my life to look. And I've never had one moment of doubt of God's love during any of those decisions.

    This is my wish for everyone. Wouldn't that be a lovely life?

    1. Here are my honest thoughts on your religious question Tammy: (..and I don't comment this much usually, nor this in depth... but this is a VERY interesting question, and it piqued my interest, and I know you from Josh's blog, and how respectful you are there, and so I trust you enough to endeavor to give you MY answer)

      I politely and I absolutely think without religion people would struggle. Gay or not. Struggle is an inevitable part of of life. Wouldn't it be nice if it weren't? I think we would struggle in different ways though. Sure religion can cause problems, and can perpetuate misunderstandings (historically awful things have all too frequently been justified in the name of God... like the crusades and the Spanish Inquisition to recently the justification of hateful treatment of gays and lesbians and anybody else they don't agree with), but in general I like to hope that religious people are trying hard to become better people. (But I also think that of the human race in general as well, I'm optimistic like that). I don't think it helps everyone (especially the people who use it to justify hateful behavior) but I do think most religions have the ability (and certainly the idea) to give people tools to help themselves be happier, more loving and less selfish. I also think some people would have a hard time feeling that love of God without religion. But I think it is fantastic that you do not. I can question many things about religion, but the one thing I personally do not question is if God loves me or not. (But I do personally know others who DO question that, and often).

      I also only think religion can truly help if the conviction comes from you, and it isn't forced on you by anyone else. I personally feel that religion can give you useful tools (ie. the commandment to love your neighbor) and support and such, but ultimately it is really just between you and God. Or you and your own conscience, hopefully trying to make the world a better more loving and less selfish place with or without religion.

      Bear in mind these are just my own personal feelings. I claim no sage like wisdom, just my own personal meanderings and evolving thoughts and from my own unique experience.

    2. Liesel,

      What I was removing religion from was regarding the discussion around the gay issue.

      Don't get me wrong, I think there are a lot of wonderful things that come out of religious organizations, I think it would be wonderful to remove the condemnation part of a lot of different religious beliefs. I think that is the thing that people have the most difficult time reconciling.

    3. Ah, that makes sense Tammy! Yeah, the judging and condemning other people thing. That gets ugly. Especially around the gay issue. Very good point. I don't like it when people do that. It is one of the reasons I am trying to understand the issue better myself. I see plenty of people's attitudes around me that bothers me, and I want to help to change it. I have hope that it is getting better though. It still needs lots of work though.

  3. Thank you for adding your voice to mine. We do need to lift the youth up, show them how much they are of worth to us, and give them space to work out their own struggles, and highlight the options that are available to them.

    I am working on making connections with various organizations in Utah, in hopes of developing this concept into something Utahns in general can buy into. I invite you to participate with me in that endeavor.

    Oh, and I LOVE your acronym. FOLKS. Awesome! I will use it, if you don't mind!

    1. Arlo - thank you for your thank you. :D We would love to participate in some way with your endeavor and you are welcome to use the "FOLKS" acronym - (maybe it'll catch on - lol)
